Newsletter NRP 75 – 12 January 2021
Big Data, Small World
Using apps, streaming music, sharing content in the cloud – we take this for granted, but without cross-border data flows it is not possible. At the moment, however, this issue is not mentioned in any trade agreement. What should Switzerland do? We take a closer look at our event on 20 January. Be part of this online event live!
"NRP 75 has played an important role in maintaining Swiss science at the international forefront"
Christian S. Jensen, President of the Steering Committee, about the current status of NRP 75, about the synthesis and about Big Data in general.
Match-Making in Big Data with Academia and Industry
In November three match-making events were held to enable possible collaborations between NRP 75 projects and representatives of the industry.
   Information event on the teaching material “Big Data”

12 June 2021, Museum of Communication, Bern

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