Newsletter NRP 75 – 16 January 2020
New teaching material for Big Data
Big Data is a complex topic. Can we still afford not to understand it? Probably not. The NRP 75 “Big Data” and the Museum of Communication have jointly developed an attractive teaching material on Big Data.
Completed project: Big Data makes intensive care better
Patient safety in intensive care units could be significantly improved if false alarms could be greatly reduced and critical complications such as epileptic seizures could be predicted. This is where the “ICU Cockpit” project comes in.
Completed project: Ethics-Recommendations for the Insurance Industry
A Consolidation Report outlining the results of the project: “Between Solidarity and Personalisation – Dealing with Ethical and Legal Big Data Challenges in the Insurance Industry”.
“Without NRP 75, we would have missed many totally cool projects and important findings.”
Interview with Reinhard Riedl, member of the Steering Committee, about NRP 75 and Big Data in general.
   Conference “Causal Machine Learning”

20/21 January 2020, Einstein Congress Centre, St. Gallen

   Workshop “Women in Computational Social Science”: Call for proposals

14 to 16 Mai 2020, Luzern

   Spatial Data Science

3 to 5 June 2020, University of Lausanne, Geopolis Building

   7th Swiss Conference on Data Science

Friday, 26 June 2020, KKL Luzern

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